some scopes of chemistry

Substance    -    Element    -    Source and Chemical Change

 Air    -    Mostly Oxygen    -    When we inhale air, the oxygen in it reacts it with the food substances inside our body and produces energy.

Drinking water    -    Hydrogen, oxygen and mineral salts    -    Water plays a role in the chemical reactions that take place inside our body. It also works as solvent of various substances in the body. the poisonous substances in the body mix with water and get out in the forms of urine and sweat. Mineral salts such as calcium, magnesium etc play a vital role for our body. 

Fertilizer    -    Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, potassium etc    -    The elements are highly necessary for plants. Different fertilizers contain compounds of these substances. As a result, these fertilizers act as nutrients and help get a good crop.

Paper    -    Cellulose    -    Paper is one of the most significant inventions of human civilization. Bamboo, the outer skin of sugarcane etc contain huge amount of cellulose. The paper mills turn these sources into paper by means of chemical reaction.