The Importance of Studying Chemistry

Imagine what happens on a typical day with you. You use toothpaste, once you get up from bed in the morning. Then you start reading your books. Your mother serves you biscuits and tea. After finishing that, you take your bath. When you
enter the washroom, you find it a bit unclean. You use toilet cleaner to clean it and then have bath using scented soap and shampoo. You use lotions after bath. Then you take your breakfast and go to school. The teacher there uses chalk on the board to simplify your lessons. Now, do you see, all the things you are using, e.g. paste, biscuit, tea, toilet cleaner, soap, shampoo, chalk etc. are contributions of chemistry.

Not only that, we use fertilizers to increase fertility of fields, use insecticides to keep away insects from our crops, preservatives to store the food for a longer time. This way, the whole process of food and cultivation is dependent on chemistry.

Today, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis etc. are curable diseases but they were once killer diseases. Millions of people died of them in the ancient days. Humans have invented cures for them by means of their knowledge of chemistry. Nowadays, the field of medicine has developed so much that many people are cured of different cancers too.

Chemical wastes from industries, vehicles, consumer products etc. are doing harm to our environment. These contain carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, various acids, heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic, cobalt etc. When they come in contact with air, air is polluted, when they come in touch with water, water gets polluted. They enter human bodies and harm them. Again, use of excess chemicals is harmful for us. Insecticides help us save our crops but excess insecticide gets washed away to the water bodies, polluting the water. Some of it gets vaporized and pollute the air. Chemistry tells you all these natural and life oriented facts.

By now you should have understood that chemistry plays a significant role in our advancement but excess of it is harmful for us and nature as well. Many diseases are still there which do not have cures. Our duty is to study chemistry and fry inventing those drugs. Therefore, learning chemistry does not only benefit us by means of newer inventions, it also helps us realize how we are harming our nature. Your learning chemistry will take the world steps ahead. That is our expectation.